Sunday, August 06, 2006

Various WAR-related Images

Racial Pairing Zone Setup

  • The numbers represent the different tiers.
  • The asterisks represent the capital cities.
  • The black lines show zone connections.
  • The blue zone begins neutral.
  • The vertical line of zones on the right is the campaign.
The other racial pairings will most likely follow an equivelent setup. The official image it's based off of can be found here.

The World of Warhammer

These are the areas that are scheduled to appear in WAR at release.
  • The western-most area is the High Elf vs. Dark Elf pairing.
  • The northern-most area is the Empire vs. Chaos pairing.
  • The south-eastern area is the Dwarf vs. Greenskin pairing.

Zone Seperation in WAR

Zones in WAR are seperated into distinct areas for PvE and PvP. In this example, the blue areas represent PvE-only areas, whereas the red areas represent PvP-enabled areas. The PvP area seems to be seperated by water from the PvE area, to help seperate the two. There is also a warning countdown when you are about to enter a PvP area - just in case.

This is most like a lower-tier zone, as it's been said that the game will begin at roughly 80% PvE / 20% PvP, and end at roughly 20% PvE / 80% PvP.

WAR vs WoW - Graphics

Due to the stylized nature of both game's graphics, WAR is often compared to WoW in terms of graphics (if not said blatantly that WAR "copied" or "stole" WoW's graphics). WAR's graphics actually show a heavy basis to the style shown in the table-top game by Games Workshop, which has honed it's style for far longer than Blizzard or Warcraft has been around. Penny-Arcade has also created a glorious comic on the subject.

If you compare the two side-by-side, the differences become apparent. WAR's models are clearly more detailed (both in texture quality and polycount) and their 'next generation' status shows. Also, the color tones of the Warhammer world tend to be more muted than the often highly-saturated colors of the Warcraft world.

WAR Abilities and Advancement from Wizard World 06


ACTIONS - Swing, Sprint, Ead Butt, Reverberation, Taunting Strike, **Mighty Ch.. (Chop? Charge?), Tendon Ripper.

Plague of Mork
Action Points: 98
Range: 0-10 feet
Deals low damage but does strong additional damage if the target is.. (Grappled? Crippled?)

Tendon Ripper
Action Points: 93
Range: 0-50 feet
A long duration snare that can be used from range.

Whirlwind Attack
Action Points: 93
Two back to back melee attacks that deals damage to everyone around you.

Directed Attack
Morale: 20%
Group Buff: increases critical hit chance somewhat for a short duration.

Seeing Red
Tactic Slots: 1
Damage dealt is moderately increased, but damage taken is slightly increased as well.

ACTIONS - Swing, Sprint, Cloud of Go.. (Goo? Gork?), **M.. (Mork? Mark?) 1 Pie (Piety?), DoT Lifetap, Life Transfer, Anchor Pain, Baby Lifetap.

DoT Lifetap
Action Points: 93
Range: 0-97 feet
Damage over time spell which deals moderate damage over a short time and heals the caster for a portion of damage dealt.


ACTIONS - **Joy of Battle, **Concentrate, Hammer Bash, **Critical Strike, Noggin' Knock, **Great Hammer.

Great Weapons
Action Points: 0
This allows the player to use Great Weapons

Crushing Blow
Action Points: 150
Range: 0-10 feet
A moderate damage melee attack with a brief initiative debuff

Crushing Momentum
Morale: 20%
Range: 0 - 19 feet
Ability which disables your opponent for a very short timer, preventing them from using any actions

Magic Resistance
Action Points: 93
This Action grants a small percentage increase to all magical resists for a long duration

Apply Tolerance
+5 Beast Resist

Action Points: 0
This yell increases your run speed at a significant(?) cost of action points.

Harden Armor

Action Points: 98
Self only buff that slightly increases your armor for a decent duration.

Shoulder Bash
Action Points: 96
Range: 0-10 Feet
A lightly (or highly?) damaging _____(?) attack that slightly debuffs the targets strength and toughness.

Thanks to Elwood and the Warband ( for the videos and screenshots.